Our spamtraps received what we think must be a spam from a recognized university in Europe, advertising a summer school of theirs. So we wrote to the professor to ask “How did you build this address list?”, as you would…
We received a response very soon. We are not naming the people involved yet. We’re waiting for the position of the University first, before naming, and before listing. But here’s the response from Prof. We will allow it to stand on its own without any comments.
Subject: The false moralists Dear Sir, first of all qualify yourself with first and last name. I would like to know who is the person I am talking to. Secondly who gave you the right to inquire about our institution which is,no-profit, worldwide known as one of the best summer school in the [BRANCH OF SCIENCE] scientific community? The addresses we used belong to institutions employees,students,scientists and researchers which are potential participants of our summer schools. Could you give us a single address which does not fall in this category? In more than 20 years of activity our institution has given the opportunity to young resaerchers of the [GEOGRAPHIC REGION] and to other students coming from disadvantaged regions to contact eminent scientists (including Nobel Prizes) at very affordable costs. The human history shows that even the most generous activities have found oppostion in the so called false "moralists"! I am sorry for you but we go ahead in our activity. Best wishes FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
Wow, so they have no problem breaking the law, because they are the Good™. So, if you are non-profit, spam like hell!
Something like that. Still waiting for a response from the University, Headmaster included. Will list and name names if no response is received in a reasonable period, or if the eventual response is as moronesque as the one above. Edit: http://www.rhyolite.com/anti-spam/that-which-we-dont.html seems appropriate.
It seems to end well. It was difficult to imagine otherwise.
Unfortunately the spam goes on, from
Received: from mail.liparischool.it (mail.liparischool.it [])
which is a VPS from OVH, still advertising a return address at the University of Catania. Professor Alfredo Ferro, whose name appears on the domain registration, was also responsible for the clueless reply above.