As of yesterday, July 6, 2022, we have a service outage. The master DNS server lost connectivity to the Internet, it took a long time to get it back, and meanwhile, the secondary DNS servers’ copies of the zones expired. The master DNS server is back online but the Internet service provider was kind enough to implement a firewalling that wasn’t asked for that prevents the secondaries from connecting to it on port 53, so the zone can’t be refreshed and has been discarded. We will report when the service is back online.
Tag Archives: meta
On inclusion and terminology
ScientificSpam DNSBL has always considered itself a blocklist.
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Incoming email trouble
Apologies to all whose email has either been eaten silently or explicitly rejected. It took us a moment to notice that our service provider had ceased to provide email forwarding services as of October 1 and to re-establish forwarding through another means. We’re back on track. If you sent any email after October 1 and haven’t had a response, please resend.
Don’t be an idiot, don’t lie to us
Owner of listed network to us: “Remove the listing, the network was only assigned to us many months after the listing was created!”
ScientificSpam: *look at WHOIS*… and find that the network was assigned to the requestor two years before the listing was created. In addition, the network assignment even has a name that indicates it having been assigned to the requestor six years before the listing was created, being CC-XXXXX-YYYYMMDD, where CC is the country code, XXXXX is the operator’s name, and there’s a number sequence that looks too much like an YYYY-MM-DD date stamp not to be one.
If you’re hoping to have networks delisted, better invent better reasons than “it wasn’t us” when the facts are trivial to check. Besides, it’s really great to lose your reputation with us this way. We won’t believe you even if you told us water is wet now 😀
Thank you to everybody querying the list.
We don’t know who you are. We have no way to find out, and no wish to, either. It is enough that it is happening. We’ll let the figures speak for themselves, and we thank you all for your support.
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Challenge/response backscatter is spam in itself
Attention all cPanel users.
These posts are about ten years old, yet we still keep receiving boxtrapper spam.
We list it as spam. False accusations about forged sender addresses having sent spam are the only type of spam we list that isn’t Scientific Spam proper. This software (these types of software, including Spam Arrest, misconfigured amavisd-new, etc.) should simply not exist at all.
Recent flood of delisting requests
Something must have changed over at MX Toolbox as they have started reporting it to people who are using their services that we list the IPs that are being monitored. The listings in question are of any age, from over two years old to very recent.
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So much more Scientific Spam!
This might seem like an obvious thing to say, but here goes anyway. It recently occurred to us to look at what are all the target addresses any given Scientific Spammer is hitting on our traps. What started out as a meager collection measuring maybe a few dozen has quickly gone into the several hundreds this way – identifying new LHS in existing SciSpam trap domains and completely new addresses at new domains that are receiving any materials from known senders of SciSpam. 🙂
So many ways to fight Scientific Spam… – we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.